Timing - Plan to plant before the sun rises, or preferable, after sunset, when the temperature is slightly cooler and there’s more moisture in the air. This will ensure that your fresh plantings won’t scorch as soon as they are in the ground.
Soak Your Seedlings - Dunk your potted plant in water and let it soak in as much water as it can take (watch for bubbles - when they stop, remove the plant from the water).
Plant Properly - It might seem obvious, but making sure that your new plants are in proper sun or shade is especially important in the height of summer when the sun is most intense.
Water Frequently - Be sure you’re checking in on your plants often after you’ve planted them. Give them plenty of water and check the top of the root ball often to make sure it isn’t drying out.
Mulch - Surrounding your plant with mulch will help conserve water. Don’t place mulch against the plant, leave clear space around the base and extend the mulch out at least one foot.
Keep Cool with Mission - Wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and wear a cooling hat, towel, or gaiter with UPF 50 sun protection.
What to Plant - Depending on your hardiness zone, there are several veggies that you can plant in late summer. These include beans, broccoli, beets, brussels sprouts, carrots, corn, cucumbers, and kale.
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